Monday, January 14, 2008


our kitties, mcintire on my algebra and gwandle enjoying the sun.


PJ said...

Some of the greatest cats right there. Jill is looking for a cat now. She said she wants a cat like mine.

Anonymous said...

your cat is great, except foe the nervous part. I like your cat.

PJ said...

I do believe the word is *for* not *foe* but ya he is a great cat.

zorg said...

Are we picking on each other about our spelling? hmmmm? well I believe we went skating today, not staking. And its brought not broguht and fact not fack. So, I wont bother you about your spelling, if you don't bother me. So, do we have a deal?

lol, I'm not mad or any thing:)

PJ said...

ha ha ok I'm done with it.

zorg said...

sweet, I have enough problem with Lizzy telling me that the word is underlined in red (we have a built in spell check) or Elijah chortling over the misspelled word.

Mother, did you notice? I spelled misspelled right.