bug lake

swimming in bug lake

ben chopping wood with his new hatchet

me feeding a chipmunk


john and his stick


ben and his frog



our hike

more ducks


the sky above our campsite

the view above our campsite

a tall tree

timmy getting dressed

the lake by our campsite
I like all those views and the chipmunk, that looked cool. You guys should have seen some of our pictures from the small little boat. That we had with Daniel and his Dad. One of the rocks we went by had what looked like a Japanese flag painted to it. Weird?
like a spray painting or something? or just the way the rock was?
and that chipmunk was climbing all over my foot and I have a video of me feeding it. it was really cool.
it was a spray painting. someone made it White and a Red dot in the middle. Right in the middle of a big flat rock.
probably some Japanese tourist leaving their mark.
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