Watch this until Sylvester catches Tweety..
(It's worth it)...
After Tweety is caught, scroll down...

This was an idiot test, how long did you watch?
0-2 seconds - there's hope for you
2-5 seconds - having a bad day?
5-10 seconds - are you maybe just a slow reader?
10-20 seconds - remedial classes are nothing to be ashamed of
30 sec-1 min - you probably can't read this anyway. So why bother?
1-2 min - the equivalent of the average house plant
5 min -1 hr - Dead people score in this range
1hr plus - congratulations. You have a negative IQ.
To find out what your prize is, watch bugs until he finishes his carrot

LOL, and no i didn't look at it for more then 2 seconds
i have to admit, i actually watched sylvester and tweety for about half a minute. dont laugh.
Too late I did as soon as I read it, you should of started it with "don't laugh" lol.
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